Library New



My Library



09:00 AM-11:00 PM
Sat, Sun & Holidays
10:00 AM-05:00 PM
365 days
24x7 reading hall

IITB faculty, students, and staff are bona-fide members and no other formality is required. As soon as you get your ID Card, please visit the library once to activate your membership.

  • Faculty, Students and Researchers from private Engineering Colleges (AICTE approved) can use the library only if their college is an Educational Member of the IITB library.
  • An individual affiliated to corporate houses and/or industries can use the Library only if their organization is a Corporate Member of the IITB Library.

  • Go to library home page. There is a search box with caption “Search Catalogue (OPAC)”. Enter a word or words from title or subject or author of a book you like to search. Press enter. It will list all books matching the words you input.
  • You can also click on “Advanced Search” just below the search box. It will take you to another page “Web OPAC Page”. It provides Simple Search and Advanced Search options.
  • In Simple Search, you can search books by Author, Title (any word in the title, subtitle ) , Accession No. , Classification No., Series, ISBN No, Note/Abstract , Keyword, Supervisor, or Publisher. Use “Enter the String” box to input words etc from any of the fields mentioned above.
  • You can restrict your search to a particular media like Books, E-Books, Reports, BC Books, TLL Books etc.
  • In Advanced Search, you can search books by combining several fields like author, title, keyword, publishers etc (with operators LIKE, EQUAL TO, AND, OR) in the same query. This will give very specific / more relevant results.

OPAC stands for Online Public Access Catalogue. This is a database of all books, reference books, e-books, theses, reports, patents, standards etc. available in the library. It enables speedy searching of a particular book, books on a given subject, and/or a book by an author.

Go to library home page. Click E-Journals/E-Books, again click E-Books from sub-menu. The system will list all the e-books available.

Go to the library, pick up the books you like to borrow, carry these books to the Circulation Counter. Show your ID Card. The library staff will assist you in getting these books issued to you.

0900 – 1800 hrs on all working days
1100 –1300 hrs Saturdays, Sundays and other Holidays.

  • Select the books you like to borrow, go to the Self Issue / Self check-out / Auto Issue work station placed near the Circulation Counter.
    Enter your LDAP USER ID, Password and PIN.
  • After authentication, you will be directed to your Library Page. This page shows your personal details (with Photograph) and the books already borrowed by you along with their due dates for return etc.
  • Scan Bar-code pasted on Title Page or Last Page of the book to be borrowed.  At this point, the system will give you the option to “PROCEED” or “CANCEL” the transaction and return back.
  • Repeat the above step if you need to borrow more books.
  • Please logout the system after you finished issuing books.
  • You can borrow books using Self-Issue facility any time till the library is open

Off-line – Bring all books back to the library and get them renewed at the Circulation Counter. On-line – Go to the library home page, click “Renewal”. System will ask you to input your LDAP userid and password. After authentication, you will be directed to the page listing all books borrowed by you. Select the books to be renewed and click the Renewal box for each book.

A book can be renewed 4 times by Students, 3 times by Faculty, and 2 times by Staff.

Yes. All members of the Library can reserve up to 3 books. One book can have only 4 claims at a time.

Off-line – visit the library and give details of the book at the Circulation Counter.
On-line – Go to the library home page, click “Book Claim”. System will ask you to input your LDAP userid and password. After authentication, you will be directed to Book Claim page with a box. Please enter the Accession Number of the book to be claimed.

Faculty can borrow upto 30 books, UG and PG Students upto 15 books and Ph. D and PDFs can borrow upto 20 books. More details can be seen at  “Book Borrowing/Lending”.

Yes, a member is required to pay late fee, as per the late fee structure, if he/she fails to return the books within prescribed period of time. Members can see their over due charges by logging into the LDAP account.

Library dues (late fees/cost of lost books etc) can be paid Online. Go to the library OPAC page and login using your LDAP credentials, Go to “Charges”, click on “Make payment” and you can pay the fine online.

Reference books are issued only to the faculty and equivalent staff for three days and research scholars for one day. Other processes are the same as in case of general books.

Reference books are marked “R” and Rare books are marked “RR” on left-side top corner on the front page of the book.

Students can borrow one study room book against his/her I-card for consultation within the Library. Study Rooms books are issued only for over night study, one hour before the closing of the Library. These books have to be returned the next day on or before 1400 hrs.

IITB Faculty, students and staff can refer to dissertations, theses kept in Pamphlet Section (second floor). Outsiders are not allowed to refer to the dissertations and theses.

Standards/reports/pamphlets/ are issued only to the faculty and equivalent staff. Theses and dissertations are not issued.

Immediately declare the book as lost on prescribed application form. The latest procurement cost will be intimated to you, to pay for the cost of book.

  • Faculty, Students and staff can recommend books (including e-books, reports, theses, patents, standards etc) for purchase by the library.
  • Go to library home page and download a “Book Suggestion Form”. Fill in all the details in respect of books recommended for purchase. Forward the completed Form to the library through concerned Head of the Department / Centre / IDP. Students must approach their faculty advisor / Course teacher etc to recommend the books for them.

Within 6 to 8 weeks from the date of order.

A system generated e-mail is sent to the Faculty/Staff, who had requested to procure the book. For more details, Please contact : Officer In-charge, Book Acquisition Section (8924 / 8925).

No. There is no limit on the number of books to be recommended. However, the purchase of books in a year will be restricted within the allotted budget for each department / centre / IDP.

A quarterly statement of expenditure is sent to all departments/ Centres/ IDPs in January, April, July and October every year showing the budget allotted, expenditure incurred and balance, if any available for purchase of books. You can also contact Books Acquisition Section for up to date status of the funds availability.

References collection mainly contains encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries, directories, atlases, audio, video,CD with books, only CD  and some rare collection books.

Pamphlet section houses theses & dissertations, pamphlets, reports (including annual reports), standards, patents, and faculty publications.

First contact the library staff responsible for shelving of books in that area. If not satisfied, please contact Staff at Circulation Counter or In-charge, Circulation Section.

Yes. The Library allows few personal books for study in side the library only to the IITB students for referring them along with other library books. All the personal books brought in side the library should be stamped with “PERSONAL BOOKS” before entering the library.

The Library will issue you an introductory letter that might help you to visit other Libraries in Mumbai.

Yes, the Library can arrange books and copies of articles on inter-library loan from other libraries.

E-Resources are accessible only to IITB students, faculty and staff on the campus. However, others can request copies of articles from the E-Resources and the the library will download and supply them to the requesting users.

Please contact Officer In-charge, Periodical Section (8929) / Reference Section (8922). They will provide you assistance / help in using the e-resource.